Since 2009 Hoplites has been a third party manufacturer of high quality 100% Made in Italy Jeans and Denim.

A bit of historical notes
If we wanted to indicate which is the first type of trousers that we instinctively think of, there is no doubt that 99% would think to jeans. It is always fascinating to discover the origins of any object: in our case the jeans fabric, so practical and resistant, begins to make its appearance in the marine sector, around the fifteenth century, used both to build sails, indispensable for vessels of the time, and to make sturdy transport sacks to be thrown into the holds of the ships themselves. This gives us an idea of how resistant this fabric must have been from the very beginning: it proved to be a fundamental aid to face and overcome the storms going wild on the oceans, just as today it is equally versatile in accompanying us through the storms of our daily life.
Denomination’s origin of Denim and Blue Jeans
Historical sources report two cities as the original creators of the fabric in question, they would be Chieri (Italy) and Nîmes (France). In fact, the name “Denim” derives from the indication of origin “de Nîmes”. In any case, this canvas was sold and transported everywhere by ships departing from the port of Genoa, and it seems that the Genoese sailors were the first to think of using this fabric to make their own work trousers, and this explains the reason of the name “Jeans” borrowed from the name of the city itself Genoa. But why “Blue Jeans”? Why was indigo colour specifically indicated? It is easy to say: blue was the colour used in the uniforms of Genoese sailors.

Diffusion of Jeans in the world
Since then, probably also thanks to the export by sea from a very active harbour like the Genoese one, this fabric has spread everywhere and has established itself successfully for its great qualities of strength, practicality, and good price.
But the real game changer, in the second half of the 19th century, was its diffusion in the United States where, transformed into work trousers and aprons, it ended up being adopted as a basic garment for all classes of workers who needed the strength of the jeans.
Gold diggers
This widespread diffusion in the US owes everything to the famous “gold rush” and to an entrepreneur with a flair for business, Mr. Levi Strauss. He sensed that jeans had all the ideal characteristics to be sold to gold diggers, who at that time came to California in large numbers and they needed both sturdy and cheap trousers. A curiosity: the metal rivets were added, complete with a patent, to reinforce the pockets that the diggers filled with everything they believed could contain gold. In practice, the “Levi’s 501” jeans were born, a model that you can still buy today … even if you are not a gold digger ????
Railways and Cowboys
But beyond the gold diggers, jeans also spread to other sectors, either among the workers who were building the long and legendary American railways and among the herdsmen, the famous “Cowboys”, who led immense herds through dusty and boundless grasslands. The triumphal advance of jeans has never stopped since then, so much so that it has reached our times, in great health and without hinting at any decline in its production or use.
How to get the Jeans best suited to your own Brand?
Many improvements have been made over time thanks to technology that has evolved hand in hand with the fashions, in terms of comfort (we can produce jeans at the same time resistant but soft as silk, and of various weight and thickness) and in terms of aesthetics (we are able to carry out all types of treatments to obtain modern and aggressive looks, or to give the garment an elegant look).
Obviously, nowadays, jeans trousers are no longer only available in traditional indigo colour: operating through colour charts and colour pantones we can produce jeans in the entire colour spectrum of the rainbow. The brands that rely on us for their made in Italy productions know this very well.
as per our client-friendly policy we always provide a free estimate, both for the realization of the samples and for the subsequent serial production; if you provide us also with information about the budget available or the production price in which you want to fall within, I will be glad to give suggestions about the most suitable material to use and the quantities to be produced to meet your market needs.
Environmental sustainability
Nowadays it is fundamental for any production follow strict environmental sustainability criteria: jeans are garments often subjected to many treatments, and Hoplites S.r.l. is always extremely careful supervising that everything takes place in compliance with eco-sustainability.
How to contact Hoplites S.r.l. to ask for a collaboration?
Write us at info@hoplites.it illustrating your serial production or sampling project, and our production manager she will be glad to answer you.